Championship Series to start Fri Nov 27 2015
Schedule as per now is below with the current players list.
This being the first go around for FALL version of VHL - I have been asked with those who still want to play while not enough for 4 teams to still do something with the players who still want to play even if its only enough for 2 teams. So we decided on a "VHL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES FORMAT".
We will have/mix up 2 different teams each week (similar to pickup ) we switch them up after each week- We will keep final score and winners of games and the player or players (including goalie) who was on the winning team that week. If a player was on the winning team that week he will get 2 pts for a win - one for a tie. The player or players with most points at end of 10 game SUPER SERIES wins the championship.
There will be 10 games this Inaugural Season
Cost will be $180 (10 games) if you cant pay all at start let me know (by email) when you will have it paid up thanks
You can email me with any other questions