We are getting near to the start date for VHL 2012.
We will continue to hold our games on Friday nights but the season will start with a bit of a twist. A few games at the beginning of the season will have to be played on Sat and Thursday because the jerk who runs the rink screwed up the first few weeks of VHL's regular Friday schedule. So we had to make some compromises for the beginning of the schedule. We hope to get back to our regular Friday nights times not far after these 4 games.
I will post the full remaining schedule of Friday games at a later date.
So, this is what the first few weeks dates and times will look like:.
NOTE: This is only until the the first 4th games after which we should be moving back to Fridays as per normal.
As well as screwing our schedule he has also cranked the price up again -anyone who has been dealing with the Double Dumps lately will know what I'm talking about. So, for this season the price will be going up by one of these :
Therefore (since last year was $160) This year its $180.
As usual Goalies will get the goalie rates which I will inform you of before the season starts.
Anyone who has a problem with the cost or will have a problem paying the full amount at the beginning please email me and I will keep it confidential.
We will have the same amount of games (14 total) includes playoff pizza + VHLbash+VHL Tshirt + shenanigans and hijinks etc.
Though most people who played till the end of the year said they would be back PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU or Your Buddy ARE NOT COMING BACK!!!!!! So, I dont get into the same situation I had last year trying to find the right fit for a team after the teams had been set.
Constructions of the teams will take place about one week before the first game so I will keep you all posted.
Any Questions or Comments please email me here.Commish.